Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Remembering the good old days

I miss the good old days when PC and Xbox 360 gamers could just sit and play for hours on end, without having to worry about job issues, homework, tests, church photos, catching the bus, did I mention homework?, and random interruptions.
When you could just sit and play when you feel like it. Remember the good old days with LAN parties and midnight gaming sessions? Remember Planet Marsto? Remember the free time to go to Big Robot Cafe`? Remember Empire Earth II, Starcraft, Warcraft: Defense of The Ancients, World of Warcraft, Warcraft III, Savage, Battlefront 2, Team Fortress 2 and Counterstrike: Source gaming sessions?
I miss those days. Those were great gaming days.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Savage should be made available to LINUX USERS

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fable 2 error

Oh my gosh. Doesn't anyone hate when you want to play a really fun game that you've had for a long time but you can't? I just hate that. Now there is a new error with Fable 2 for Xbox 360.
The error is like this:
1. Turn on console with game already in
2. sign in to xbox live
3. play Fable 2
4. Go to the main menu and click continue (from wherever your save is)
Now, it may look like it is loading but I will assure you that in 15 seconds you may say otherwise.
15 seconds later... WOAH it looks like the drive with all my downloadable content has been removed.
WRONG. This is just another unfixable pain-in-the-ass glitch that Lionhead hasn't fixed yet. Feel free to remove and replace all drives as much as you want. I did so, with my save on my MU and my DLC on my Hard Drive, but nothing ever worked. The 2 drives still work perfectly with ALL of my other games, yet it seems  somehow that the best RPG that I have just doesn't want to recognize them. :(

Monday, March 23, 2009

At school. Finished math test. Am very happy for what is waiting for me when i gets home.
I'm bored and homework-checking isn't always exciting.


Today is another day.
Kind of boring, kind of not.
Don't want to go to the inevitable German class since I'm afraid I messed up the homework.
O well. At least I feel better about my designing skills because the people in my Confirmation classes liked my unique logo design that I created for our group- we chose my name, the Celestial Society.
Just another day! :)
At school. Kinda bored, kinda not.